Tuesday, 12 March 2013


so my second post is all about JOE FRESH!
joe fresh i thank u for many things:
thanks for the cute baby clothing
thanks for the quality of the cute baby clothing
thanks for the pricing of the cute baby clothing
thanks for being affiliated with Maxi (one stop shop)
and last thanks for ur inexpensive but amazing makeup!

Thats right, after passing the cosmetic aisle, i noticed the joe fresh line. the first thing that caught my eye, the simplistic packaging of all the products (orange and white, 2012's in colors of the year ). The second, the pricing!!!!! 6 $ for a lipstick!!!!!!  i got super excited and wanted to buy everything but but i controlled my impulses and purchased 2 products!

matte nude lipstick: price: 6$
luv it luv it luv it!!! by far my fav nude lipstick! it smells good, it tastes good and it looks good!!!!!!!!! Very similar to MAC's honeylove hue.
unversal brow tint: price: 6$
great for the price!
i am a huge eyebrow makeup fanatic! i never leave the house without applying my anastasia eyebrow palette. my fave kit by far, mucho expensive but worth every penny and it lasts forever (u save money in the long run)!!!!! however, this pencil is pretty good, fills in spots, is precise and u can take it with u!!!!!!

so to conclude, i will be passing by the cosmetic aisle soon to purchase some more joe fresh products!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Me too I love their baby clothing! E R-B is soo cute in them and I feel less guilty when I buy them... let's say frequently ;P
