Good morning to all! I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday, sadly, I was wrong. Well last night, I decided to embark on a new project, gold leafing. Gold leafing, according to Wikipedia, is gold that has been hammered into extremely thin sheets and is often used for gilding. Gold leafing made me realize that I am no Martha Stuart! lol! Gold leafing, much harder than what it seems!
I have been wanting to gold leaf an item for a while, so when I purchased a little table from reno for 9$, I knew it was going to be the perfect gold leafing project. I went to Omer Deserres to purchase all the necessary items for gold leafing the legs of the table. Turns out, the materials are far more expensive than the actual table.
Before embarking on this project, I thought to myself, why not practise on something else first. So, I purchased a floating shelf. I had a vision of gold leafing the shelf and adding some white furniture tacks. Lovely!
My gold leafing journey began last night. I was extremely excited. I laid out all the material on the kitchen table. Luckily, my husband was around. He pointed out many things. First, he pointed out that I was working on a glass table when I should of been working on the counter. I must of been tired not to think of this! Second, he asked me if I knew what I was doing. Of course, I answered yes! He then asked me if I watched tutorials on Youtube. I answered YES! I lied of course! lol! He then asked me, again, if I knew what I was doing. I raised my voice and answered YES! As he was asking me all this, he was on google, researching on how to's! Well, truth be told, I didn't know what I was doing. The leaves were tearing, the shelf was looking horrible, and I was getting frustrated. To top it off, my husband came around asking me how much I paid for all the material. He then pointed out that the 10$ shelf has ended up costing 30$!!!!! lol!!!! But, in the end, he help me out. It was as if he had already done this before! It still looks horrible, however, I am certain that when it goes up, no one will notice the horrible gold leafing job that I did. They will notice the candles and frames that I will carefully place on it! Here are some pics...
More pics to come when I put it up!
So, to conclude, I do not think that I will be gold leafing anything else, anytime soon, and I think I should call my blog :" My DIY's gone wrong!" What do you think?
thanks for reading, xoxo
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