Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Gold indulgement

     Morning readers!!! My little one slept in today, 6:45, and I am filled with energy!!!! To satisfy my need for some gold, I indulged in some gold leafing yesterday! But, before doing so, I youtubed the how to's to make sure I get it right this time around. I watched an awesome tutorial filled with gold leafing ideas. They mentioned about a dozen times how easy and forgiving gold leafing is. Turns out, I was doing, for the most, part, everything right. My end results, however, did not resemble anything like the tutorial's results. Anyway, I took my time and begun working on a wine bottle and a few candles.

And in the end, readers, I got mad because gold leafing is NOT suppose to look like this. So to alleviate my anger, I went outside picked a few branches from this beauty of a pile

                                                                       (my part in helping clear out this mess)

and spray painted them gold. MUCH easier to spray paint!!!!! In the end, I got this happening in my kitchen...

      On another note, the tree in the backyard is gone and I got these beauties waiting for me! I was planing on gold leafing and silver leafing them but let's face it, I suck at it. So, I tested the spray paint out. Seems like I will be spray painting them instead! So much easier! I cannot wait to get started, maybe on the weekend...

The weird thing is that I swear I had counted 7 stumps but for some reason I am down to 6... Hmmmmm....

                    Of course this needs to get sanded down and will need several coats of spray paint, but I cannot wait to see the end result!!!!

On another gold front, here are some things that I have been working on...


                                                                                    Thanks for reading, xoxo

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